Answered By: IESE Library Last Updated: Jun 14, 2024 Views: 1241
Log in to Bloomberg (see our FAQ: Bloomberg Terminal Access) and open Excel.
Click on the Bloomberg tab along the top of the workbook.
1. Use the Spreadsheet Builder
Spreadsheet Builder makes it easy to import Bloomberg data into a spreadsheet by automatically generating the appropriate functions through an easy step-by-step process.
For instance, you are looking for historical time series data. Here are the key steps to draw data:
Step 1: Click on Spreadsheet Builder.
Step 2: Click on Historical Data Table then click on the Next button.
Step 3: For Example - SPX 500 Index
Type the ticker symbol (SPX) in the All Securities box. Click on SPX Index to select the index. Click on the Next button.
Step 4: Type Last Price in the All Fields box. Click on Last Price PX_Last. Click on the Next button.
Step 5: Select the date range. Click on the Next button.
Step 6: Set Currency and other Optional Parameters.
Step 7: Set Layout Options, including Field Orientation (vertical or horizontal) and Time Order (chronological or reverse).
Step 8: Click on the Finish button.
Step 9: Historical prices for the S&P 500 Index will be downloaded into Excel.
2. Use Worksheet Functions in Excel
Bloomberg’s worksheet functions provide intermediate to advanced Excel users flexibility to construct their own formulas to customize the way Bloomberg data is delivered and organized in the spreadsheet.
In the Excel Add-in, Bloomberg functions are consolidated with flexible optional parameters:
• BDP (Bloomberg Data Point) is for current data.
• BDH (Bloomberg Data History) is for historical end of day and historical intraday data.
• BDS (Bloomberg Data Set) is for large data sets/ bulk data.
When using any of the formulas, you must specify the security for which you want to retrieve data (Security), and you must specify the data item you want to retrieve (Field). The Security must be represented as (Ticker) (Market Sector), for example TGT Equity.
To explain the syntax further, the mandatory arguments to build your formulas are security and field for BDP and BDS formulas and additionally, start date and end date for BDH formulas. Security refers to any Bloomberg ticker.
To be more productive especially when you have a list of tickers, use cell referencing, so that you can drag and apply the same formula for one security to the other securities. Use it for other fields and dates too! To look up for the fields to put into your formulas, we recommend 2 choices: Either go to FLDS to do a keyword search or click the Field Search icon on the Bloomberg toolbar. The Field Search icon on the Bloomberg toolbar is the same as the field search in the Import Data Wizard. If you still cannot find the fields you want, press Help key twice to consult with the Bloomberg Helpdesk.
Alternative to download:
Copying and Pasting Data into Excel
- Position your cursor at the corner of a table.
- Press and hold the left click (not the right click) and drag across the data you would like to copy. Bloomberg will automatically copy the text/data to your clipboard when you release the left click.
- In Excel, right click or press ctrl + v to paste.
- If necessary, click on the "Data" tab on top of the ribbon and then "Text to Columns" and select "Fixed width" to finish formatting.
Note: Not all screens can be copied. As an alternative, try typing GRAB then hit GO to e-mail a screen image.
- See also FAQ: Bloomberg Excel add-in: troubleshooting
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