Essential Resources
- PACAP (Pacific Basin Capital Markets) via WRDS - Wharton Research Data Services (First time users will need to click on Register to request a user account and then fill out the form. It takes 24 hours to get approved)
- Go to Passport and select the Economies tab > Economy, Finance and Trade> Country Reports and then choose a category and a Geography and click GO.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) Includes the Asian Development Outlook. Annual.
- World DataBank East Asia and the Pacific news, In-depth analysis, regional overviews, country briefs. Data and statistics.
Company Directories
- Orbis has an expert search function to screen for worldwide companies by any of the following criteria: company name, industry, location, size, company type, ownership, status, M&A deals, top range of companies.
Industry Studies
- Passport. Consumer focus. Regional and country specific reports.
Doing Business
Financing and Investment
News Sources
- Factiva. Limit by region or source. Include native language publications.
Trade Links
Statistical Resources: Asia