In Bloomberg (access to Barcelona Library Documentation room).
1. Type the Ticker symbol of the equity you want, hit the yellow Equity key and hit GO.
2. Type PHDC3 and hit GO.
1. Type the Ticker symbol of the equity you want, hit the yellow Equity key and hit GO.
2. Select 1) Company Overview.
3. Select 14) Management Holdings.
4. Click on the security then on the person, Reported Holdings is a section on this screen.
- For stocks that have experienced the most purchases and sales by insiders:
1. Type: INSD and hit GO.
2. Use the fields at the top of the screen to select country, time period, type of transaction.
3. Click on a stock to display a graph of its historical prices with date of insider transactions.
4. For further information, type insider and hit the green Help key.
For US companies:
- Insider filings with the U.S. SEC are available through Edgar. Enter your company name or ticker symbol or CIK and Include Ownership forms. Insider transactions are available by issuer and reporting owner.
- Take a look at the website SecForm4.Com