Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2023     Views: 1250

In Factiva use the Companies/Markets tab, click on company and search by company name or ticker. In the Snapshot scroll screen and click on Business Description > MarketLine Overview and History.

In Sabi or Orbis, you have the date of incorporation in the Company report. Also, to search by dates of incorporation: Select Year of Incorporation and enter dates to modify the search criteria.

Access these resources via A-Z Databases.

Also, go to Datastream (available in the Financial Room of IESE’s Barcelona Library as well as at the Madrid Library, through LSEG Workspace). From the Datastream menu in Excel (Add-in), select Static Request. In the Series box, type: fusaa (in subsequent searches, type: fusabfusac, etc.). In the Datatypes box, type: namewc18272 - Date Company Founded Or WC18273 - Date of Incorporation. Click submit.

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