Orbis has an expert search function to screen for worldwide companies by any of the following criteria: company name, industry, location, size, company type, ownership, status, M&A deals, top range of companies.
Sabi has an expert search function to screen for Spanish companies by any of the following criteria: company name, industry, location, size, company type, ownership, status, M&A deals, top range of companies.
Capital IQ: Select Companies on the menu and then, search by company name. In addition, you can use the expert search function (click on Screening > Companies) to screen for worldwide companies by any of the following criteria: industry classifications, geographic locations, person details, company ownership, financial information, etc.
MarketLine: Click on Sectors, select an industry from the list, and then click on Companies. Alternatively, click on Companies and then use the Industry & Geography criteria in the left hand menu.
Business Source Ultimate has Company Profiles from MarketLine and other sources. Select More > Company Profles. Browse for the company you want.
Passport. Enter the keyword "Company profiles" in the search text box. Filter the results by Analysis: “Company profiles” and then, filter according to your needs (by category, geography, etc.).
Factiva. Click on Companies/Markets on the menu bar.
Access these resources via A-Z Databases.
See also the IESE Library Guides: Company Info Guide.
Also you can gather a good deal of profile information for a quoted company from their website. Look for the annual report and the investor relations pages.