United States:
Sales Tax Rates
Lists the sales tax rate and range of local rates for each state.
Go also to State Sales Tax Rates - The Sales Tax Clearinghouse
European Union:
European Union Sales Tax Rate | VAT
KPMG Taxation of International Executives
KPMG member firms have produced a series of summaries titled "Taxation of International Executives". These summaries cover relevant income tax and social security rates, together with the key aspects of the tax and immigration legislation relating to expatriate employees working in these countries or jurisdiction. In addition, capital taxes and local taxes as well as considerations for short-term assignments are also covered, thereby providing useful overviews of the issues that can affect employees on foreign secondments or assignments.
PwC Worldwide tax summaries online
Summarizes key elements of corporate and individual taxes in more than 150 territories worldwide, covering tax rates and major features of the tax laws.