Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2025     Views: 90

Visit the Turnaround Management Association website.

Go to Discovery to find books, articles, reports and more, in several databases. Search terms such as “turnarounds”. Combine with other keywords to narrow your search.

To ensure more relevant results we recommend you connect directly to Business Source Ultimate database. Go to A-Z Databases and choose Business Source Ultimate. Search CORPORATE turnarounds or CORPORATE reorganizations as a subject term. Add other terms to narrow down your results in "All fields".

Once you have identified a small number of potential articles, see their references to locate other articles/books/authors, and look at keywords/indexing for ideas on refining your search criteria.

​Use LSEG Workspace to search for investments in turnaround or distressed debt companies.

  1. Type 'screener' into the main search bar and load the Screener App.
  2. Change the Universe to Private Equity Investments and Entity Type to Investments
  3. In the text box where it says 'Add Filter' type in Fund Stage, select Include, check off Turnaround/Distressed Debt, and click Done to add.
  4. Add other criteria as desired.

Use Capital IQ to search for investments in turnaround or distressed debt companies.

  1. Mouse over Screening and click on Find Buyers or Investors.
  2. Click on the Stages tab near the top of the page.
  3. Click on Turnaround and then the left arrow button and the Add to Criteria List button.
  4. Add additional criteria for private equity companies doing turnarounds as desired and click on Run Search.
  5. You can Add Display Columns to create a more informative table and download the results into a spreadsheet.

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