Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2025     Views: 66

A company's supply chain management strategy is typically not public information. The best way to research it is to look for press releases from the company or its suppliers which announce contractual relationships.

To search for press releases over a longer period of time than can be found typically on the company's website, you can use the database Factiva. "Switch Factiva” and go to the previous interface: Under "Source", select Source Category "Top Sources" and then mark only "Press Release Wires." Also choose your company under the "Company Box". You will see releases from your company and press releases from other companies doing business with your company.

Go to Discovery and search by using keywords like "suppliers or supply chain" Combine with other keywords to narrow your search.

To ensure more relevant results we recommend you connect directly to Business Source Ultimate database. Go to A-Z Databases and choose Business Source Ultimate. Search SUPPLY chain management as a subject term. Add other terms to narrow down your results in in "All fields", or the company name.

Once you have identified a small number of potential articles, see their references to locate other articles/books/authors, and look at keywords/indexing for ideas on refining your search criteria.

Use Gartner Research and find by "Supply chain management".

S&P Capital IQ also has supplier data. 
Search by company name.
From the left-hand menu, locate "Business Relationships" and select "Suppliers".

Also, see Bloomberg available in Barcelona Library Financial Room. Use the SPLC function for a specific company -- i.e. to find Merck's suppliers, customers, and peers you'd type: MRK [Equity] SPLC [Go].

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