Business Source Ultimate: Select "Industry profiles" from the browse option and perform search under "Automotive" or "Automobile".
Passport: Type "auto" in the search box
MarketLine: Click on Sectors tab and choose "Automotive"
Factiva: Click on "Companies/Markets" and select "Industry". Browse and select Automotive.
Take a look at Automotive News. Go to Data Center for production, sales, and prices of cars and trucks.
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics tracks fatal accidents, driving costs, crashes, consumer complaints, motor vehicle defects, vehicle registrations, and many other automotive and highway related statistics.
For fuel efficiency by model, see the EPA's Fuel Economy Guide.
For Spanish data go to ANFAC (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones), and for European data go to ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Association)