The Bureau of Labor Statistics has current union membership data.
ILOStat: The International Labour Organization (ILO) database contains statistics on Industrial relations:
Consult the table created from CPS for union affiliation of employed wage and salary workers. For information on union affiliation in Spain, visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy's website and click on the statistics for Afiliación de trabajadores al Sistema de la Seguridad Social.
See the US Department of Labor - Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) for private and public sector agreements. The Collective Bargaining Agreements file of the U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS). For Canada, see the Government of Canada's Collective bargaining information, including their labor relations database, Negotech.
For international information, try the following sites:
Eurofound. Working conditions and sustainable work Eurofound. Industrial relations and social dialogue
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