Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2023     Views: 71

Go to World DataBank, and in the Explore databases section, choose World Development Indicators (WDI). Once inside select one or more countries from the upper window. Choose the data series of interest from the upper menu on the next page. On the third option, select the years that interest you and after selecting variables, please click one of these options: Table, Chart, Map and Download.

OECD Employment and Labor Market Statistic

United States Government Sites:

US Census Bureau

Department of Labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics, a unit of the U.S. Department of Labor, provides a broad range of data about employment and unemployment, pay and benefits, productivity, time use, etc. Look at their list of available surveys.

Go to the US Census Bureau's Income site and try their Data pages:

Try the ILOSTAT site, a database of labor statistics, which includes labor statistics and estimates from over 200 countries from 1969 to present, as well as a number of other databases on labor standards, legislation and literature.

EPI DataZone - Recent statistics and time series on labor and income.

Labour Force Survey data on Eurostat. Click on "Statistical themes" > "Population and Social Conditions" > Labour market (including Labour Force Survey (LFS)) > Employment and unemployment

For data on Spain consult the EPA (Encuesta de población activa / Survey of Active Population) on the INE website.

For data and analysis on employee benefits, go to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

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