Mendeley Reference Manager is a free web and desktop reference management application. It helps you simplify your reference management workflow so you can focus on achieving your goals.
With Mendeley Reference Manager you can:
- Store, organize and search all your references from just one library.
- Seamlessly insert references and bibliographies into your Microsoft® Word documents using Mendeley Cite.
- Read, highlight and annotate PDFs, and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place.
- Collaborate with others by sharing references and ideas.
All current IESE Business School students, faculty and staff can access the Universidad de Navarra’s Mendeley Institutional Edition.
A Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) is an upgraded Mendeley account that provides:
- 100 GB personal storage instead of 2 GB with the 'free account'
- 100 GB shared storage instead of 100 MB with the 'free account'
- Unlimited private groups of up to 100 collaborators instead of 5 private groups of up to 25 collaborators
To use Mendeley, the first thing you need to do is create a personal account. To benefit from all the advantages of being a subscriber, you must join the Universidad de Navarra group.
In order to be directly connected to the Universidad de Navarra’s Mendeley Institutional Edition, registration must be done while physically on campus and connected to the IESE network. This is, using IESE PC’s or Wi-Fi enabled devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone) connected to the IESE network.
Go to the IESE Library Mendeley webpage on the A-Z Databases page.
Create an account as instructed (your email, first name, name and the password you want and register).
Check if you are in the Mendeley institutional account by going to the "Institutional Groups" tab under your profile name.
Institutional groups:
- Universidad de Navarra
Then download "Mendeley Reference Manager", "Mendeley Cite" and "Web Importer".
You can find info on how to use Mendeley: Mendeley Guides
You can also use the following questions and answers: