Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Oct 05, 2021     Views: 13395

In Datastream you can create a Datastream list and use this in requests.

Datastream provides flexibility in creating lists of series, such as a portfolio, a watch list, or a set of related indicators. One can analyse the series as a set or individually. Lists are a convenient way to make report, chart, and data requests using multiple series. One can create copies of Datastream's index constituent lists, remove unwanted series, reorder the list, or merge two lists to create one. The List Wizard takes you through the process effortlessly.

For help check the following videos from Refinitiv:
Datastream: Working with User-Created Lists


  • DS Constituent lists provide a number of lists pre-defined by Datastream, e.g. LFSTE100 is the current FTSE 100 shares.
  • Creating a list can be done using the List Wizard and DS Navigator, or by selecting a list of identifiers (DS codes, DS mnemonics, ISIN codes, SEDOL codes) is Excel and using Tools - Create List.
  • By default, a list is stored as a local list on the PC that you are using. Choose a description to help you identify the list.

Using DS lists is easiest in the Datastream Excel Add-in. You use the List Picker, rather than the DS Navigator to select a local list using its stored description (pre-defined lists are available through the DS Navigator).

The Refinitiv Datastream Excel Add-In Request Table facility can be very useful if you want to make several different request for your list.).

One useful request is a static request including the DS code (DSCD), Name (NAME), ISIN code (ISIN); the results can be used to re-create the list if required.

NB. When using the Excel Add-in remember that there are only 256 columns and 65536 rows. Several lists of up to 250 companies may be more useful than a single large list).

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