Answered By: IESE Library
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2023     Views: 1933

R&D Expenditures is defined by WRDS as "All costs incurred during the year that relate to the development of new products or services."

Go to WRDS (you need to obtain your WRDS account):

  • Choose Compustat > North America
  • Choose Industrial Fundamentals Annual
  • Choose dates
  • Enter your company in Company Code
  • In Data items M-Z scroll down to XRD - Research and Development Expense
  • Submit Request

Also you can use Research Quotient via WRDS (you need to obtain your WRDS account). This database enables researchers to link R&D to firm growth and market value; derive optimal firm R&D spending; examine revenue generation from R&D and assess undervalued firms. Coverage from 1972-2010.

Datastream (available in the Financial Room of IESE’s Barcelona Library as well as at the Madrid Library, through LSEG Workspace). Lookup Worldscope data item WC01201 - Research and Development Expenses.

In a company's Income Statement which can be found in Sabi and Orbis.

Go to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for SEC Filings. Alternatively, National Science Foundation.

The Economics of Industrial Research & Innovation (IRI) collects information on the top 1,000 EU companies and 1,000 non-EU companies investing the largest sums in R&D. See the following section: The EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard.

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